Foot Care Clinic

A PCN Nurse provides foot care services for patients with diabetes or other foot care issues. These services are currently available at the Viking, Vermilion, Tofield, and Vegreville PCN locations.
Foot Care Poster (information and cost)

Access to a PCN Nurse helps those in need of the service to maintain good foot and lower extremity health, which in turn contributes to overall wellness and sustaining of a patient’s activity level. This service also allows for the monitoring of early warning signs for more serious health problems. 

Foot Care services not only provide prevention of further health problems but can also help with a variety of other medical conditions including diabetes, poor circulation, arthritis, joint replacements, obesity, vision impairment, and other disabilities. Foot Care also deals with common foot problems such as ingrown toenails, corns, calluses, and thick nails.​ 

This program will accept referrals for:  

  • Basic foot care and education
  • Corns/callouses/cracked heels
  • Nail care
  • General hygiene
  • Diabetic foot care
  • specialist for almost all types of ingrown and involuted nails. This treatment is a $10.00 charge per toe above a regular foot care appointment.

Click image to open information poster

If you need a little extra help caring for your feet, you can either self refer or ask your doctor about a referral today.


This service is currently offered at these PCN locations: Tofield, Vegreville, Vermilion, Viking.